
It's definietly Monday....

I am in the computer lab, and we're working on a history project that is due next week, which I am so close to done with.  I'm doing education in the 17th - 18th century, quite interesting.  It wasn't even a required law to be in school- therefore, it was a parent taught thing.  Whatever your parents knew, you would come to know.
Anyway, it's definitely monday with all of the brains not working- even though I had a bagel with peanut butter (protein), and vanilla soy milk this morning.  I'm still not quite functioning yet... hahah.
Tomorrow I'm excited for because I get to go out to breakfast with the dear Ashley McDonald.  It will be a blast, and then we'll trot off to school, and have a great Tuesday.  But first before all of that fun... I must get through monday.  We are playing trinity after school today @ Heritage.  Hoping we kick some sweet butt & win!!!!
Anyway, I will blog more later when I get home.


  1. Aw you are having breakfast with my sissy. That'll be fun, I wish I could join! I find it so funny that you blog from the computer lab at school... cute :) hope you're having a great day too dear!

  2. Like how you say we'll trot off to school. That makes me feel like a horse.

  3. hahaha thank you girrrls & yes I am so excited for bfast with you, ashy!! and yes... we're going to trot in my car......? hahaha. Love you girls!!! Happy week to you!
