
It's a run and adventure night....

This evening I went for a run.  And I will admit, it was slow, and I was hating it the whole time.
I had to stop once, before I could keep going.  

Even though my run didn't go so amazing, I was feeling adventurous when I got home....
I was hungry, and I wanted to try something new.  I came across Ali's Blog, who always has something new to eat, and Ali had gotten this recipe from Caitlin's blog.  

A grilled banana sandwich.
Seriously amazing, yet very easy to make!

Here's my end result... (and I used an whole grain english muffin instead of bread), and then I added a side of almond milk.

Here's a more close up look.  I definitely recommend it! So delicious!

Later I decided I want to paint my nails color: Love Me Red Creme from N.Y.C.
I did this while listening to one of my new favorites: Ximena SariƱana. She's spanish, and I love the 
acoustics in her music. And, she has a beautiful voice.

I have been drinking a lot of water today... I think I haven't been keeping up this weekend, as I have been running around.  I think I drove more @ the cabin this weekend, than I ever have in my life.  My sister, dad, and I kept forgetting stuff for fishing.... needing more minnows... et cetera.  It was pretty hilarious.  And it was pretty great... because I just drove with just my feet the whole time.  

Now I am reading a Glamour magazine: from the only amazing Shanna!
*Apparently mixing vaseline with a little bit of eye shadow is a DO.  Crazy, I know.

Also, the sister and I are watching some of the Office.  It's our specialty.

Love and JOY.

-Babysitting 2 GREAT and hilarious girls tomorrow! (Sophia & Avery)
-Tomorrow night I am having a huge get together with my mom's side of the family @ a park in Deep haven.



Listening to:

Eating//Drinking: Smoothie made from scratch

Anticipating: A run & bubble bath

Reading: Magazine

Cleaning//Organizing: My room

Excited for: Summer & my family reunion tomorrow

Smelling: New soap - Black Vanilla hand soap

peace & love

p.s. dear troops,
thank you for all your willingness and strength to support this country.
i appreciate everything you've done.



Closing the weekend.

I am currently again, in the car.  We are heading home from our fun, and exhausting, yet restful weekend.

new sweatshirt: $30 from Pine Peaks Restaurant and Gifts.

It was great to be up @ the Grandparents house for the weekend, and then enjoy Memorial Day with the family before my dad leaves tomorrow night on business.
On Tuesday, my grandparents are coming down for some appointments, and my mom's side of the family is having a FAMILY REUNION.  My gosh, it will be a fun time.  Grill out, baseball, and enjoying Minnetonka.

I am excited to sleep in tomorrow, drink REAL espresso, hang with my family, thank people who have served us, and love summer.

lOvE you ALL!


Norwegian skin = sucky skin

It would some how turn out that my heritage is much Norwegian...
especially on my mom's side.
My mom is whole Norwegian.
My dad is half Norwegian.
Leaving me... dun dun dun, 75% Norwegian.

Does it have to turn out the girl who has gone through so many phases of trust and not trusting sun screen, gets the worst luck when it comes to getting sun burned? Ouchhhh.

I know this is a HORRIBLE quality picture, but you can at least see some of my sun burn (sorta).  I lubed up twice with SPF 50 today.  It's my Norwegian skin.  It.  Sucks.

My sister and I were experiencing some coffee withdrawl this morning (and folgers coffee is NOT good), and there is this amazing Ice Cream shop up here (and craft store), we stopped at and got amazing coffee.  We sat on the dock and drank it this morning.  We loved that.

{{Pictures of this weekend coming soon!!!!!}}

Heading home tomorrow @ 1.
LovE you ALL

"When everything falls apart, and my strength is gone, you're mighty and strong..."


Road tripin' it up to the Cabino.

Earlier this morning, we had a Caribou run.  You know we're cute.

We love you!

Cabin Weekend.

I am currently sitting in the back of my car, writing this (yeah, internet connection in the carrrrr).
So anyway, I am going to my Cabin in Crosslake, MN for the weekend.
See my grandparents, hang with the WHOLE family.   I am excited... because my dad hasn't been able to go up there in YEARS.  He has been a busy bee with work these past few years, and we are so so so excited for a weekend away!

My sister, dad, and I will be doing lots of boating//tubing, and swimming in the lake.  I am very excited to relax, read Twilight, sleep on the deck in the afternoons, eat my grandma's amazing dinners, and just ENJOY northern Minnesota.

Today is my first day of summer.  Yesterday was my last day of tenth grade.
I feel weird being an official Junior.
Right now I am listening to a mixed CD, and Taylor Swift is playing.
My sister is reading "Crazy Love" - Which I will be reading next.  I am very excited - a super good christian book.
Yesterday was so much stinkin' fun with my class.  We all went to Gavin's for a pool party.
The ladies went to Mo's house, and the guys stayed at Gavin's for the night.
The guys TPed us, and some of the ladies got them back this morning while they were completely out asleep... ha ha. 

I just want to say that this year has zipped by.
I want to say that next year will just be another year of AMAZING bonding.
Shelby Grosser, we will miss you MORE than anything,
but we know that God is doing AMAZING things through you.  And you are an amazing artist, and you deserve a school that has amazing skills in equipping with art.

I'll just be chilling this weekend, so I hope you all enjoy your LONG weekend, and remember those people who have FOUGHT for our country... let's honor them this weekend, and also... sleep in a little bit.

Love and peace always,



Blue skies all day.
1st hour felt so long and so far away from the end...
Second hour: Soccer Game.
During soccer game: Black eye.
After soccer game: Speech - that was interesting with a squinting eye.

Anyway, after the speeches came, and we had our class party!
It was such a fun day.  We had pizza, cleaned out our lockers, and went back to the soccer field! 
(And I got many hugs from little kids on the way)....

It has been an amazing year.
No homework until September.
And I know this summer will go fast - but this is the time to have fun, and party it up!
Thank goodness for a BREAK.
Cabino tomorrow!

-Pool party
-Sleep over with the LaDieS!
-Cabino tomorrow!!!!!!!

One of the most amazing people in my life: She has such a beautiful HEART.

Some of the first graders I helped with.  I love them sooooo much.  I can't believe they're second graders!

With the O'Connells!!!!!! I love this family to death :).  Cullen, Gavin, and Nolan.  Such cuties.

Kate and I with Gavin! We love this kid!

Love and joy to all of you this summer!




Cracking down....

I am left.
With a half day in front of me.

Playing jeopardy in Bible.
History is a REMATCH.  A time to show the boys what us ladies really got...
Today we played them in soccer... with ending up losing.  We want them to remember that we OWNED them on the last day of school... Let's go LADIES!!!!!!!
Then I will have a english speech to give (a Wedding toast for my sister to be exact), and then it will be lunch//party time! 
After school gets out @ 1, I will be helping Mrs. Felix take stuff down, clean stuff up, and pack stuff away for the summer!
@ 7pm is a pool party for the new JUNIORS
then, sleepover for the ladies @ mo's house.

I'll be getting up at a decent hour and HEADING  TO THE CABINOOOO until Sunday!
So stinkin' excited for what these next few days hold!

Love & JOY


What I eat.

Rebecca's Breakfasts: 

My favorite oatmeal EVER.  Apple chunks, and super easy:::
-One package
-1/2 cup of water
-Microwave :45


a delicious breakfast.
I recommend it any time! Some of you may not like the tart taste of the plain yogurt (vanilla also works just as fine), but I like that tart taste, so I eat plain yogurt with this delightful and nutritious granola.

I like to scramble two eggs if I am feeling eggs in the morning.
Put some pepper and salt on top, and if I'm feeling it, sometimes I'll sprinkle some shredded cheese for flavor.

I like to toast whole wheat bread on the side... and sometimes I'll some peanut butter on it.  Depends on how hungry I feel in the morning (which usually isn't a lot).

And then I just LOVE orange juice in the morning.  Such a refreshing touch to my morning food!

Then before school I make my coffee, and I head out the door.


"The dawn in breaking.... All light shinging through, you're barely waking with the tangle up in you." - Howide Day

One of my favorite songs right now.  Because somehow... you and I are colliding, and I don't even know it.

So this is my life this week: Finals.
I have two finals tomorrow.
A speech on Thursday.
I cannot say how much I have LOVED and appreciated this year.  
But.. this year has to come to an end, and I must say bye to first graders that I felt so close and connected with.... And my sophomore class won't be sophomores anymore... we'll be... juniors.

okay, so I hit the photo button on Photo booth, and it counted down the 3 2 1 thing... and I saw this super big strike of lightning, and this is actually legit... I was watching the lightning.  so PRETTY.

This is what I meant to do... Just a section of my bio test tomorrow (genetics), and then I'm holding an Odwalla.  My second favorite (the green machine is my first), but the Strawberry C contains:
A very high amount of Vitamin C (1000% in one serving - 8fl Oz).
It is: 97% Juice/Puree Blend

And simply delicious.

Well tomorrow is the history, and the bio tests (my most dreaded finals this year).
I am feeling pretty prepared, though, so doing some more studying (more like watching the sky light up by this AMAZING thunderstorm), but tomorrow = healthy, hearty breakfast, as most usual....

Take it easy (in 1.5 DAYS)......


The end of the beginning....

NOT the beginning of the end.
Although, this may be true... I'd rather think of it as the end of the beginning....

End of the beginning of school.
The end of the beginning of finals.
The end of the beginning of cold weather.

the beginning of summer.
The beginning of cold drinks, iced coffee, and smoothies.
The beginning of pool parties.
The beginning of sleeping in.
The beginning of time in the WATER//Lake.
The beginning of taking care of many kids.
The beginning of thinking about junior year.
The beginning of late nights, late mornings.
The beginning of camps.
The beginning of humidity, and warmth.
The beginning....

The end of endless hours of homework.
the end of tests related to school.
The end of sitting in classrooms.
The end of seeing all my friends, every day, all together.
The end helping in the first grade class.
The end of procrastinating.
The end...

Which is better? The beginning or the end?
I will miss so much from this year.  I will miss the first graders, Mrs. Felix, my SOPHOMORE (almost junior) CLASS, some of my hilarious teachers, eating outside on warm days, getting to school late because of snow... I will miss a lot.

I will enjoy so much.  Tubing, wake boarding (maybe), going to the cabin, taking care of kids, sunday school teaching, TRAVELING, road trippin' it, practicing for soccer, getting cleared//done with physical therapy, so much more....

I will miss the end of things.  I will love that some of the things are over.  I will enjoy many of these beginnings.  There will be things I won't like.  Pros and cons.  And that is life.
I am very happy about summer.
I am ready for a big huge mongo break.

<3 & peace.

out in 2.5 days.
Finals yet to accomplish....... peace until then.


My weekend in pictures....

This weekend was hectic & crazy, but I loved it ALL in the end!

(Starting with Thursday).  My sis and I went to Panera, then my sister had to get a little bit of gas, so I got an Iced Coffee @ Holiday & then we were off to the HCA Awards Recognition.

Driving there.  I don't think my sister was mad, she just didn't know I was taking a pic.

Hahahah, Kate, Me, and Ashley... and Kate turning her back to the camera.  At the awards ceremony!

Kate and I recognized for being a TA//EA :).

Wearing my sister's snazzy dress.  I love it very much... and it has pockets!

Obviously Kate was paying attention... Ashley got the English Award, Kate got the history awards... I got an EA & Mentoring award a day later.  Hahaha, I'm such a loser.

Friday after my 2nd BEHIND THE WHEEL.  My sister and I went to Noodles & Ridgedale!

My sister made HOMEMADE delicious banana bread & decaf coffee! Pure simple beautiful Saturday night.  I also ran & played frisbee with my dad late that night.

And also I read... yes, I'm reading Twilight...

Sunday! I had bacalaurette in the morning... then Sunni's Dance Recital! Danielle and I look awkward... Sunni looking cute with her 10 year Trophy!

Re-doing part of the room = disaster.  Uff da.  It's not an easy job!

This week is FINALS WEEK, and I'm very excited Thursday is my LAST DAY. 
Going to the cabin on FRIDAY.  Praise the LORD.  Some time away from all this craziness! 

Love peace and joy!

Pondering all day long....

This song by Starfield has been stuck in my head all day long.  It talks about having and wanting this discipline to listen, to obey, to follow... And I was thinking and pacing around in my mind.... All the days I've lived... there has been this God around me, wanting me to just invite him into my life.  Well now, 6 years ago, I invited the Lord to live with me.  On the road though... there are nooks and crannies.  Life is not perfect.  A lot of times in the morning, my alarm goes off... and the first thing I do is pray.  Pray for my day.  Sometimes I think I can predict if it is going to be a good day (depending how good I get out of bed), but I let myself go to... "no, God knows what's going to happen today..." and when I get into that mind set that God has control, my day turns out much better than planned.

More than ever, now, I have had that problem.  Living in myself having control.  These past few weeks have been some what difficult, and stressful.  There's been some family tensity, I feel like I've failed as a friend//leader, finals are approaching, and I'm just tired.  Now you may be wondering "Why are you writing this post at this time, then??" well, simply because I could not sleep without writing and putting some of these thoughts somewhere (because other wise they just circulate the mind for the night... ha. ha. ha).  

On Thursday, I was getting ready, flipping through my sister's iPod, and found some Sermons.  Some of which were from the Mars Hill Church in Seattle.  I listened to the podcast as I got ready that morning.  The topic was on Control and Planning. How ironic, this pastor is talking about needing to write down your plans.... then letting God revise.  Erasing, and putting new things in.  I'm standing there thinking... "I don't have TIME to write a schedule... I'm way to disorganized...." And I shut myself down before I could analyze and fully think of how this could honestly help me.  I think so much we hear or see something too big and our brains just shut down.  We believe that it's too big, and a waste of our time.  It's like me and square roots (we DON'T mix... well until this year that is), but I see a big # under that square root sign and I just shut down.  I loose that motivation and drive.  Neeerrr booom.  

So why are you writing this??  --> Simply because, I'm trying to take control of everything which is out of my hands... trying to commit to one too many things... and I'm getting tired.  My schedule is jammed.  There's no cuddle or leg room.  This has to come to an end... and It's time to let God tackle my plans.  It's time for Him to change what HE needs to change.  I can't keep living on my own timing, and what I think will benefit myself, because there is no way on earth my brain can overcome His ways.  He will bless me with injustice when I feel the weight of the world is on my shoulders.  He will do things like this, because in the end he will CONQUER what is not right... he will judge and forever we will be with him.  So for life... I think i'll stick with his plans.  It will take a lot of faith, but I'm not risking my life by myself.

Peace out,


At the Risk of sounding... odd....

Now if you used some of your sanity, you would realize that this picture is clearly not at my house.  I am currently at the Ridgedale mall.  I am not shopping.  Sound a little weird? Maybe.  My sister and I went to Noodles & Company for dinner and now I am @ the mall with her.... while she shops.  And I "study."

A Frappe + Homework + Friday + Babysitting ALL day tomorrow = Studying tonight... mucho.
Well I'll talk to you crazy cats later, have a BEAUTIFUL weekend.  Love & Peace!


Praying people....

What happened to PRAYER.
Why did corruption take over the minds of OTHERS.
What stopped FAITH.
What changed selfless LOVE.
Why has lazy been our new LIFE.
What took second CHANCES.

Why have we stopped praying?
We're to be praying people.  Prayer is a continuous things in our lives (or should be).
It doesn't matter - and if we feel like we don't have any words to speak or pray, God has given us words in Matthew.
Whatever you need for the day you are in.
Prayer is journey and a way to connect and check up in our day, alas, in our busy back to back schedules, we forget this very important, yet brushed aside thing.  We forget to live by faith.  Our days get longer by the moment.  We haven't prayed, asked God for what we need or what others need.  

such simple words... yet complicated concepts.  

all these words have meant something significant in my life.  what words have had a big role in your life? 
we all lead complicated and tiring lives.
that's why we don't live and endure alone.

"Let us be the aroma of God, as is coffee to our souls."

She's home now. And when we're together, we're weird.
And I was showing her how I can only do cross-eyed on one eye. Hahaha.

Yesterday we went to Ben & Jerry's in Wayzata which = us walking around wayzata + Wayzata beach. Loved it! Don't you love my french manicure that started chipping the NEXT DAY. What a rip off. Time to fill it in.

All in all, I love my sister. To death. Today my sister texted me right after school saying she was going to pick me up. We went out & had a blast. Later, we went to Caribou and worked on work, and it was great to hang out with my sister! I loved it!
-Enjoy the weather
-Hang out!
Peace girl scouts
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I'm dreaming of a beautiful formal....

The sun is shining.
The sky is blue.
My dress is begging to be worn,
my shoes are undecided.
In the shower I go, because when the clock strikes 10,
my hair is to be done.
My make up to be swept across my face.

Lunch with the sister after all this has been accomplished,
will just be a special treat.
Making sure someone else's hair gets done is going to be wonderful,
and great.
Finally the dress will come on, and the shoes will be in set,
and off to pictures we will be.
Pictures pictures pictures.
Finally @ school when the clock hit's 5pm.

Then we will be in the coach bus, impatiently waiting to be in Saint Paul.
It will be a magical night @ the James J. Hill House.
And then of course, a dance party following at the Engstrom Studio.

Memories to hold and cherish forever.
Love you sophomore class,
you are truly the best.


Rainy start to the week....

Stressful week ahead (hence the picture).
::Tomorrow - Bio quiz, English quiz, and Math test.
::Wednesday - Practicing @ LifeChurch for my concert on Thursday.
::Thursday - Concert & English presenation.
::Friday - Nails done for FORMAL.
::Saturday - FORMALLLLL!

There is also good news, though.
1) Formal is on Saturday, and I'm pretty stoked about that.
2) My dad & sister will be home on Friday or Saturday.
3) I'm going to study all my crap tonight with a good friend @ Lunds w//Caribou in hand.
4) I went to P.T. today, in plan of seeing a specialist. She apparently is out of town, and they didn't communicate the memo to us. My regular physical therapist was there... but she just checked out my knee to see how it was. And I told her about my right knee problem - and she made a diagnosis of lots of tightness on the outside of my right knee (where it hurts when I run). She also made a prognosis of possible tendonitis, and ankle problems which we have figured out eariler. I may need orthotics to straighten that out. I inherited my mom's & dad's side of bad knees, and my mom's side of bad feet, and also terrible ankles.
I must say though, if it weren't for me to go through all this surgery, and reconstruction, and physical therapy.... I would not know half the stuff I know today. And that is truly a blessing. Even though the costs and time have been high and consuming... it has definitely been worth it in the long run. My mom even told me today how proud and happy it makes her to know that now I know the dangers and saftey that needs to be taken. I have learned exercises that I can continue to work on with BOTH knees and ankles.
So in conclusion of all of this... I will be seeing that specialist. But I have to wait until June 3rd. My physical therapist told me to keep doing what I'm doing. I am truly amazed at how far I have made it. I am blessed for all the prayers and grace that has been extended to me. I am educated on much material that I had never been covered over in the past. Thank you for blessing me in pain and suffering, Lord.

-Currently listening to:: Everything is Beautiful: Starfield
-Currently reading:: Irresistible Revolution: Shane Claiborne
-Currently digesting:: Panini from D'Amico & Sons. My momma & I had an early dinner after my stop @ the physical therapy.
-Currently watching:: The rain fall outside my window.
-Currently thinking about:: my trips this summer.
-Currently dreaming of:: Sunshine & 90 degree weather.

Peace & Love!
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I wanted some pasta tonight. Spaghetti and meatballs to be exact.
So I pulled out the whole wheat pasta and started boiling.

-Meatballs: Homemade by my mom
-marinara sauce: homemade by my mom
-whole wheat pasta: Lunds

I love spaghetti & meatballs. One of my all time fave foods ever.
Happy night!
Tonight consists of:
-Drinking lots of water
-Going for a run before it gets dark
-Finish cleaning sheets
-Put away clothes
-Re-do my section for English
-Read Irresistible Revolution

"We are NOT a voice to the voiceless. The truth is that there is a lot of noise out there drowning out quiet voices, and many people have stopped listening to the cries of their neighbors. Lots of folks have put their hands over their ears to drown out the suffering." -The Irresistible Revolution: Shane Caliborne
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Twins Game Saturday!

Yesterday I went to the TwINs Game! It was so much fun with Tom & Sunni. The Twins didn't end up winning that game (although, yesterday was a double header), so that was a bummer, but they won the game they played last night! And they also crushed again today! They won the series against the Orioles. Yeah!

I was blessed with AWESOME seats!!!!! This was my birthday present from the Foty's. Thank you SO MUCH!!!!! I had a great time, and I loved every minute of it!
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