
Beautiful afternoon, who could pass it up?

I was ready to head out for a good run this afternoon!
I had to pace myself however, learning to breathe in cold air isn't totally easy.
For my first round of five minutes I had a hard time finding my inhale through the nose,
exhale through the mouth.

For the past week these icicles have welcomed me every morning,
and I thought they look extremely pretty.  Especially with the blue sky raging with it.
I've come to appreciate this beautiful weather, as so, if it snows again I may just have a fit.
Thank goodness it's march!

Dressed somewhat warm... leggings and shorts.  Nothing more than a fashion statement.
My amazing and willing friend went on this run with me.  She is great runner.  I am not.  She still stuck with me anyway... what a great friend.

She is fabulous.  (sorry I kinda chopped your head off).
Her and I took a nice long walk after we ran, and got some naked mighty mango juice (only the best + all natural + 150 calories for 8 oz).
Although, this resulted me in bad cough for a while.  Finally that passed.  

Earlier in my day:
Slept in (what a blessing to have the day off!)
My mom and I headed out for Lunds & Byerly's grand opening in Golden Valley.
Although, this fairy tale didn't come true (the place was super jam packed).
We had to make some use of our time spent out there... so we went to Ridgedale.
I got a really good smoothie at Macy's.  
Although, before we knew it, it was lunch time.
We zipped over to the library first, and I got some new books (The Lineage of Grace + Hope was here).
Then my mom and I went to chins asia fresh for lunch.
Then my friend came over to run with me.
We hung out for a while.
I ate some macaroni made by my mother... so good.
Then I went to holiday, got a cappuccino, and headed off to worship team practice.  
Now for tonight...
Reading one of my books (getting started on it at least).
Chai tea to settle down.
Go to bed late.

Have a safe and restful friday & weekend!
lovvvvve rEbe

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