
Battle wound.

So last night, I was babysitting and I loved it! I love the kiddos I was with and everything... and then for some reason I took a stupid step and face planted.  This resulted in much blood, and going to the er to get stiches.  Which now, I am fine.  But... I have to say, this battle wound is pretty legit.  Pretty much.  Here's some pics my friends.
When the guy was putting in my stiches... can't you tell I'm legit calm? hahaha.
my end result... 5 stiches, and some other random battle wounds.  And I wear a band aid with ointment constantly on there.  Highlarious, I just laugh when I see myself in the mirror.  I'm pretty excited to see a scar, too... :)
Anyway, I'm ready for sleepy... then teaching Sunday school then service then cleaning & school work & BABYSITTING THE OC'S!!! So much to look forward to! 

1 comment:

  1. Poor Rebe! Your attitude is admirable. Do you have a sweet scar??! This is an epic picture... ouch!!!
