
Thanksgiving weekend!

I have had quite the weekend so far....
I got off school yesterday.  Went over to a friends house to look up some volunteer joints... got rather side tracked and had a blast.
Then I went home for a little while, packed all my stuff up, and went over to Allie's.
We had a scavenger hunt around her neighborhood which was a blast.  We came in like last place... hahah.  So much fun though.
Then we had dinner.... this is where it gets sketchy.
I eat the taco (with meat, which i rarely eat) and all the junk on top.
We then, watched a movie, and after the guys left we stopped watching it.  When I sat up, though, my stomach started to do weird things on me.... i decided at that point i needed to get home and sleep.  Mo was deciding to go home, too so she planned on taking me home.
We sneaked our stuff upstairs by the door, and then went around the corner to quickly sing happy birthday to Allie.  I honestly could not look at the cake at this point... seriously thought I was going to die.  I started to walk away and head for the door.  Mo told me to tell allie we were leaving and her and her mom then came to the door.  We explained our reasons for leaving.  They asked if we needed some water or anything.. and I asked for a bag.  At that moment I was about to puke so I darted out the door and I puked in the snow in the yard (ew).  I felt awful but thank the Lord for such nice people.  Mo was like "man this is nothing compared to what I had going on.... I'm totally fine with you being around me"
and honestly, after I puked i felt like a million bucks.  
all of this to say.... I don't think I will be eating any meat except turkey for a very long time...
or anything else that makes me puke (gosh like everything.  have the weakest stomach of my life).

i know you all wanted to know that story.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Eat lots and lots of yummy food.


  1. I find it incredibly funny that you shared this story via your blog. :) Your a funny one. See you later today.

  2. thanks Kate :)
    i thought it would be rather humorous (or disgusting). see you in a few hours!
