
My thoughtful Friday

Today I had my interview to go on the Panama Mission Trip.  Mr.  Farrant and Senor interviewed me.... and they asked me about one of the things that has been a thing I've been working on- not being negative.
They asked me how I was working on that- and sorts of things I've been listening to to encourage myself.
I am worthy
I am beautiful
I am not a mistake
I have a perfect plan
I told them that these things can push me when I am feeling negative, or rather just having a horrible day.  When I feel negative, though, I am only usually internally negative.... I beat myself up.  I don't usually tear people down (but I'll admit, I definitely have), aside the point, I give myself all these reasons I am not good enough.
Truth is, when God decided that I was going to live on this earth, He also knew ahead of time that I was worthy of His time and love.
I (and many others), give ourselves so much pain and emotions that we decide, without reason, that we are not worthy.  We are worthless, dirty troublemakers.  I fall in this category.
The turning point has been in the process... I have been giving myself positive thoughts (one each day), and reminding myself multiple times a day that thought.  It has honestly impacted my day to know that I a beautiful person when I roll out of bed, smear some mascara all over, and dab blotches of powder on my face.  I don't feel beautiful, but I am because if my attitude is beautiful, I am beautiful and I am not a mistake.  Neither are you.


  1. You are a beautiful girl. :) and this just shows another facet of your internal beauty. I like to think of beauty as an all-around thing. There isn't beauty put and beauty in, but rather the two combine make one stunning.

  2. thank you, AShley so are you :). you def bring out the inner beauty in me.. thanks for being such a great friend!!!!

  3. Rebe, I love that you are intentionally working on this and letting God remind you every day of your worth. I think you are one of the most beautiful people I know! Negativity is definitely a downer, and I'm encouraged by your method... it's something I've been working on, too! Love you, beautiful!

  4. thanks Brooke! i love you girls so much you are so so sweet and encouraging!!!
