
Maybe it'll impact someone.

I have gotten the same comment, at least once a week, since summer kicked off...and that is "Have you lost weight? You look great!"
At first I actually took it as an offense. Whoa. You are saying that I was "fat"?
Honestly I took it as an offense. I was ashamed, upset and I took it to heart. I completely avoided the fact that the people were considerate, and noticing that I had taken control of my body. Truth is, I have lost some weight. And I am proud of it.
In ninth grade I honestly gained a large amount of weight. I really did. I was eating unhealthy, calorie rich, disgusting food...drinking soda or sugary drinks. Gross.
I honestly held onto that weight throughout the summer before 10th grade...entered soccer, and tore my ACL. The day of the occurence with my knee, they weighed me...and honest to goodness, had some comments about it. They said I was little bit overweight. When I got to prehab (rehab before my surgery....oxymoron) I was weak, unstable and out of shape. At that point of realizing my problem I didn't cry (like I usually would at situations), but I was determined to get up and make a move. When surgery came I would be ready for it and I would honest to goodness give my best. Did I realize what was coming, though? No. I did not realize how hard it was going to be.
Surgery came and surgery went...I was definitely weak that first day. The second day I went back to Tria and they took an x-ray, gave me some feed back and sent me on my way. the third day I went back again and they gave me physical therapy. I couldn't even lift my leg on my own (this is how much muscle memory you lose from surgery). I finally by the end got my leg up by myself, but was very sore.
Every day after I did my physical therapy....and after a week I was so determined I was off my crutches and out of my brace...I wasn't letting that get a hold of me (hey, look how I turned out, right ; )) And I went to pt twice a week...did ALL of my exercies like they told me to....because I was determined. Throughout the whole process I built strength, shed weight, and strove harder. By the middle of Februrary I started to run. I fell in love and I will never go back on my butt again.
I really shed my calories and weight by running and taking the time to make sure my body was getting the physical fitness it needed. I reached a peak and I made it. When I had truly made it, I didn't stop, though, I kept going....I kept up my physical fitness and became who I really was. When I reached that point....that's when I really cried and was thankful for the determination given by the Lord. He was the one who ordained all of this.....without my acl tearing and ripping into pieces I would've never ended up as cautious, lighter, and contentious of my physical fitness and really how those chips and candy bars sent me in a downward spiral.

With my Lord I am free.....free from the shame that I have lived. I have listened to one too many lies....and I am free to start again and work for the good. You have to start somewhere, right?
I hope this will impact someone....but if not anyone, I impacted from writing all this out and realizing how much it has done for the good of my life and health.

Love & PEACE.

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