
I am a happy camper.

Last night I was exhausted, upset, and ready to be done with the week.
To my advantage, I didn't have babysitting or anything planned to do.
I took that to heart, made some macaroni, read, watched dispicable me, showered, did yoga and was out by 9:20pm.
I had rather weird dreams, and I woke up to my clock alarm (which I forgot to turn off) at 5:55. I turned it off and went back to sleep. My body naturally woke up after 11 hours of sleep ( at 8:20). I turned the coffee pot on and did some yoga, drank some coffee, talked to my mom, and wrote down the things I needed to get at walgreens/target today.
My mom and aunt and cousin just left to go up to our cabin for the weekend (to be honest, I wish I was going and playing in the snow with my 6 yr old cousin), but I have a soccer game tonight and also, I am watching Lindsay swim it up tomorrow morning.
I just ate some oatmeal with a banana, and I am so ready for the day.
It is sunny out, beautiful outside (even though it's a bit chilly), and there is not an error in the day that the Lord has made.

I wish you a magnificent Saturday.

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