well i just realized after posting that, that many of you are unfamiliar with panic/anxiety attacks. A panic attack is a period of time when you feel out of control, your heart rate is rapidly increased, you sweat like crazy, your stomach hurts, your head hurts, your breath is short, you feel claustrophobic, you can’t get away… ect. I always told my mom when I was little that "I don't feel like i'm here right now." I could not get my mind away from it. It was the weirdest, scariest thing I was experiencing.
I have suffered from panic attacks since I was in the fifth grade.
I was greatly ashamed to admit this truth about myself for years. I seriously brought myself to believe I was the only one who suffered from these. These attacks got so bad I would have to lay down and stay there for sometimes even hours at a time until I felt normal again. It was terrible. It explained my periods of depression and obsessions.
In ninth grade I was still ashamed of my condition, and still had belief that I was the only one. The only one. I was in my HPW class--and Mrs. Felix came up and talked to our class. She talked about panic attacks. My face seriously dropped when she started explaining how she felt...I could hardly believe it. Someone actually had felt the same way I was feeling. I went home that day in utter joy and told my mom that someone had actually felt my attacks!
I now elementary assist for her and I love it. She is so amazing...a wonderful woman inside and out!
I have not gone through a panic attack in over a year. I think the last time I had one was over Christmas break of last year. Amazing.
Through running and doing lots of yoga lately, I have forced myself to do deep breathing, keeping those mean attacks AWAY.
All of this to say I hope you've learned a little about something that isn't so well known. You also learned something about me today... : )
peace out girl scouts
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