
make some memories..

i was reading a magazine yesterday...and i was reading this very intriguing article about making memories. it said that people who spend money on an experience RATHER than stuff enjoy more of life--and feel more satisfied with their purchase.
making memories are what piece life together. if we just bought things all the time would we be happy? not really. even if we buy things with people we love, does that thing really last?
i am always willing to pay for a breakfast, a coffee date, a trip, a road trip...something where i get to spend quality time with people. an experience. you pay for something you can't buy. you can't go to a store and buy an experience...an experience is about the people you're with...not how much it costs. an experience is something of a lifetime.

speaking of which....a week from Sunday...I will definitely be having an experience. Viva Waikiki Beach!!!!

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