
My week has been... my week to come...

My week has been STRESSFUL.
Life is good, though.  I have been able to find good in this week.
Even though it has been hard to find those good things, I have been able to count my blessings.
*My family (Love you, mom & dad)!!!!
*My fabulous friends
*My house & bed (even if I'm in neither very much).
*Little kids
*PB&J's (what I'm currently eating).
*Pandora radio
*My new running route (which is now OUTDOORS)!!!!
*Love and grace from God
*A VERY good book that I look forward to reading every night: Irresistible Revolution

As you can see this list is definitely not complete, but it has been some things I have been trying to FOCUS on this week.

Well, pictures from this week are to come... right now, I am studying for my bio test which is tomorrow. And I'm eating my pbj with a half filled camelbak of water.  Gonna finish it... it's a good thing for me.

Tomorrow's agenda:
*Studying early with one of my favs @ a good place
*Bio test @ school//school
*Getting picked up asap & babysitting pronto
*Playing two songs with the MS orchestra for their concert
*Any other homework I need to accomplish
:::I'm turning sixteen this weekend?:::

LoVE & JoY!
RebeccA C. VoLD


Busy week ahead...

1 speech, 3 tests (one of which I took today), 1 quiz taken today, and a paper needed to be accomplished this week.  Uff da.  It's Monday evening and there's already piles of things that are needed to be done.  
This has been a good day, though.  And I'm not letting all these things get in my way, because "He doesn't give you more than you can handle..." Some weeks may seem long and never ending, but there is this amazing God who doesn't give us more than we can bare or do.  Good encouragement for the rest of the week.

Today after school I went to track.  Our task was to sprint football goal post, to football goal post.  And six of them.  I ended up doing three (yeah, yeah I know)... I stretched in between sprints.  My knee started to lock up a little bit, so I asked one of my friends to help stretch it out a little bit... kind of made it a little difficult to walk.  But it felt good, and refreshing! I was glad I was able to do at least half of them.

I packed a banana with me this morning, that I could eat while going to track.  My friend told me that bananas are actually the WORST fruit you can eat because of the amount of sugar that is contained in them... well I'm screwed I eat at least two bananas on a daily basis.  And you guessed it, I ate a banana with peanut butter when I got home (yeah, I guess I shoved off that comment... I love bananas).
And for dinner it was just kind of a solo-night @ the Vold residence... had some left over stir fry, and I made some whole wheat rotini pasta with organic sauce on top.  Then my mom asked if I wanted a salad with that... heck yes I wanted one of her salads!

This week's sched:
:::Tuesday:  School.  Track.  Homework. BABYSITTING.  Sleep.
:::Wednesday:  School.  Track.  Homework.  Church.
:::Thursday:  Speech & Test (school).  Track.  Homework.  Sleep.
:::Friday:  Paper due.  Track.  Chill because it's Friday!
:::Saturday:  SLEEP IN.  Clean.  Babysit later.
:::Sunday:  Little kids.  Service.  Homeworrrrk.  My birthday :)

*All the stuff due is what is supposed to be implied in the picture above.

Have a BLESSED week!


The unexpected day...

I told you I was going for a run.

I told you I was babysitting to end of my night.

Now, both these statements may still hold some truth, but not the way I thought they were going to...

I ended up cleaning out my shower before I went babysitting.  It was kinda dirty, and everyone needs to clean their shower, so now it's clean.  Yeah!

Then.  I went to babysitting.  It was so much fun... I love those kids to death.  They're a blast and they're so sweet and cute and adorable.  So are the parents.

Now there was a bonfire party for my sophomore class tonight @ one of my friends' house (obviously).
And, well, the parents I was babysitting for got home around 9ish.  So I was like dude, it doesn't end until 11, so I'll have my parents pick me up and take me there.  Well, they didn't live too far from the persons house, so they took me up there & I got there just in time for night games!

First we played sardines.  then ghost in the graveyard.  And then we did star tipping (I got pretty dirty and major grass marks after that one).  So all in all... I did babysit, but it didn't end my night.  And I didn't go for an intentional run, but I ran a ton during the night games... and with a lot of more mosquito bites than I was intending for.

The after effects:::
I got some nasty and sweet grass stains.  If you have ever gone star tipping (which I totally recommend), you know you can't stand up for a second.  I've done it many times in the past... it is definitely one of my favorite things about summer.  

Also, I was SUPER thirsty because I have been running around for a while.  Man I am tired, and I feel great though! The people I babysat for asked me about my allergies, because they also get nasty allergies, and they asked what I took... I told them I took benadryl and it did nothing.  They told me to take the generic brand of alevert or something, and I feel completely allergy free! I am loving it + it's 24 hour :).

Well I hope you all have a beautiful rest of your weekend!

Quick run. Then babysitting for the night.

Today I woke up around 7:30 (I fell back asleep), to a thunderstorm in which I watched for fifteen minutes and went back to sleep.
My alarm went off @ 9:30 because I wanted to get up at a reasonable hour.  I liked that.

It's been raining off & on today.  Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't.
Today, I don't because it's cold.  But it has still been a good day.  It's made it okay that it's cold.

Right now::::::

I am going to go for a quick quick run (just to keep my legs and body going and in shape), and then I'll take a quick shower, and then head off to babysitting for the night!

Also, I went to the library today and picked up "Irresistible Revolution" by: Jim Wallis.
Many people have recommended this book to me, so I'm very excited to read it!
I like thought provoking books that make me have to put it down and dwell on the subject for a little while before I can read some more.  Other examples include: Anything by Rob Bell, Captivating by Stasi Eldredge, ect...

Of course, I love books that I can't put down either... those are super amazing.  The other book I'm in right now now is "Gone With the Wind" ...who ever knew I'd love it so much? I love it! Such a great story line... if you ever get the chance to read super small print of over 1000 pages, read it ;).

Well that's all for now!
Ta ta!
Happy Saturday! xoxo


Time for.

It's FRIDAY.  I babysat a rather energetic kid... right after school (actually, I left school early... shhhhh).  Anyway, I babysat a cute, sweet, ADORABLE guatemalan boy.  He was adopted into this sweet and loving family... and he has two older sisters (which are biological to the parents).  
Anyway, I was only with the boy today.  But I hung out with the oldest girl when they got home... she just cracks me up.  And also, is by FAR the best gymnast ever.

I needed to run.  This is obviously before my run (don't you LOVE the hot long johns underneath??)
It was a tad bit chilly outside (and around 8pm)... I have this thing about running more @ night.  I just LOVE it.  Anyway, I slipped those on under my shorts, and just wore a t-shirt and the outfit worked perfectly.  Fashionably speaking on the other hand....

Fee && Gary Oliver kept my beat up high, and kept me jogging//running.  
Although, throughout my run tonight I needed to stop at least four time to stretch out (get ready for this folks), not my LEFT knee, but my RIGHT knee.  Yeah, let me explain.  Most of you know I had surgery on my left knee (which I am still//almost done with the process of), but ever since my freshman year my right knee has always given me pain.  I noticed it my 08 soccer season in 9th grade during a game my first week of school.  I told my coach day after day.... my knee was in pain.  He told me to ice it, 20 on 20 off... I did it.  Every day.  And yet this pain never went away.  I'm thinking I may have tendonitis or something... but anyway going back to the doc for that one soon (even though they haven't necessary diagnosed it in the past).
All in all, it was a good mile and a half run in under 15 minutes! I loved every minute of it... even when I was in pain.  Good news though, my left knee is feeling amazing! No pain, and physical therapy is almost DONE!

Well I grabbed some potassium after my run... but I promise you, I'm part monkey.  I eat so many bananas on a daily basis it's unheard of.  I had a banana for breakfast + dannon plain yogurt with organic granola (my fav) + a glass of soy milk.  I had an english muffin with peanut butter & banana on top + a yo crunch yogurt + cheese its.  My after school snack:  organic milk + a small bowl of easy mac (:
Dinner: bowl of thai coconut curry with shrimp with my mom.  After my run: banana with peanut butter.
I.  Am.  Half.  Monkey.

Well, it is TIME FOR REST.  I have been so tired this week with these horrific allergies && trying to get rid of them with enormous amounts of homework... I don't think so.  So tonight is my night to just SLEEP.  Then tomorrow morning I am starting off my day with a good cup of coffee, and I am planning on cleaning my area of the house (aka the downstairs//vacuuming all the house... I love nothing more than a clean house, call me crazy).

Happy Friday to you all!
Peace kids,


What can I say?

This week has been a hassle.
This week has been beautiful.

I have been learning this week that changing my words to positive has motivated me.
I have been struggling && fighting tough and annoying allergies.  And they're BAD this year.
I have been drinking tons and tons of water && orange juice to wash out the toxins and crap.
And I'm hoping... this will pass.
But this week... it has been beautiful.

I have been tired, worn out, ready to snooze, ect...
I have been so tired that I just could sleep days in and out.  
But this week has been BEAUTIFUL.
I have been finding that putting good and positive words in my mind have made it better and more beautiful.
There has been sunshine.
There have been amazing friends.
My parents are a blessing.
I love talking to my sister.
It has been gorgeous weather.
I went on a field trip.

This week may only be half-over... and long and tiring... but this week...
It has been beautiful

"So what can I say? What can I do?... I'll stand with arms high and heart abandoned in AWE of the one who GAVE IT ALL." - The stand: Hillsong

:::And be humble ACCEPTING everyone in love and gentleness...:::



I am: _________

I am eating: banana with peanut butter.
I am drinking: water.
I am doing: math homework.
I am listening to: Colbie Caillat's Coco CD.
I am watching: kids biking @ the park.
I am loving: talking to a friend over AIM//the phone.
I feel like: a little girl.
I am wearing: shorts & a t-shirt.
I am inheriting: a love for running.
I am ready: for this week. 
I am going: To Lunds to study math.
I heart: all of you

Peace & LOve,



So thankful.

I need to say that thankfulness has been on my lips today.
I am thankful for the sun.
I am thankful for the stars.
I am thankful for nutritional food to eat... ect.

I am thankful that I thought this week was going to stink,
but being thankful has made it jump started and a WONDERFUL start to the week.
Today I didn't even drink coffee.  I decided I needed to take a days break... no coffee except a small cup of DECAF @ around 7pm.  My body didn't have one stroke of a head ache today.  Thank goodness!

I am ending tonight with a glass of @ Silk Soy + home baked - whole wheat bread with @ Nutella Spread on top.  It was a great snack before bed...

I am fizzing some Alka-Seltzer tablets into 4 oz of water & drinking it (how great it tastes...)
I am ready for a GOOD snooze tonight! Please be praying I sleep the night through until my alarm...

Tomorrow I am planning on drinking PLENTY of fluids:::
-Oj @ the breakfast date with the dad
-3 Camelback water bottles full of water
-Silk Soy Milk
-More oj//vitamin C

I am ready to breathe right again & get rid of these ALLERGIES!!!!! They're driving me nuts!
L0VE & J0Y,


At the risk....

At the risk of sounding "bad", I didn't go to church this morning.
I haven't been able to sleep all week.
Yesterday, I woke up early.  When I could've slept in so late.
I have come down with allergies.  And they're not graceful at all.
So this morning... I managed to sleep until 10.  With waking up @ 6, 8, & 9.

Although, not going to church didn't stop me from pulling out my bible and putting on some quiet worship music.  

"And we know that all things work together for GOOD to those who love God..."
:::Romans 8:28:::

This verse was powerful to me this morning.  And the last part of the verse talks about being called, and having that calling from him.

-Right now I feel worn out
-Right now I feel like I'm torn between so many decisions
-Right now I'm undecided
-Right now I feel like I'm sure
-Right now...

This verse was a comfort to me.  It told me that ALL things (not just some, or the things I feel sure about), work for the good.  And that's also for our good.
As I sat pondering this verse... I thought...
-I'm going to be okay
-Some people may not be happy with my decisions, but that's okay
-Sometimes we have to say no
-Life is okay
-It's going to be okay
-My family & friends are supporting me

I hope that I encouraged some of you this morning.  I hope you have a blessed and beautiful day.
I hope and pray that you see God in the little and the big things.
Life is okay.  Things will be okay.  If you love him, things will be good.



Struggling a little bit this morning....

Happy Saturday!
I woke up very early this morning... even though I wasn't able to fall asleep forever.
I have a very stuffy nose, itchy throat, my eyes are watering, and I have a runny nose.
I am NOT a fan of Allergy season.  
It just makes me feel miserable.  So this morning, I want to say I am thankful for Chai tea & Benadryl (even though I usually use Claritin... we didn't have that this morning).

Opening night, not wanting to destroy the creation Ashley & Liz did on my hair & make up.

Everything off.... I was feeling a little silly.  I'm not sure how this picture turned out like it did, but I thought it was hilarious.

Closing night... I look much older//creepier (I smudged more of my make up that last night).

Very very very helpful.  

I don't wanna take it all off :(

My hair all out! I look like a crazy.

Like I said... Allergies are making me feel MISERABLE.

So so so thankful for Chai & Benadryl.  Please pray my allergies subside sometime soon....

I hope you ALL have a beautiful and blessed Saturday!
LoVe & PEaCE,


"Give ALL your worries and cares to God, for He cares for YOU." 1 Peter 5:7

::::A verse I have been needing this week... and so happy it has showed up already about 5 times today.  Praise God::::


1 mile in record time...

I had the urge and felt the need to run today.  
Even though I went to track yesterday... which felt at the time KILLER.
I realized I hadn't run in a while... too.  much.  drama.  practice.

Well... my running is DEFINITELY not this scenic.  I am still on the treadmill (unless I'm @ Track).
Although, Can I say I love running? I have never loved running more in my life.  I find it a way to make myself motivated, and it also amazing how much better I want to keep eating... It is contagious.

After my run (when I went upstairs), I saw the sun just bleeding through my kitchen window.  I had to go outside with my camera.  No doubt.

I grabbed my dad's shoes (which still look as big as when I wore them when I was little), and I headed outside! As you can tell... my feet are small.  I wear size 7.  Word.
It was HUMID it felt like when I got outside... I'm thinking, wow.  Spring is really here, and summer is definitely coming.  Thank goodness... but I don't want this year to end.  I've loved it FAR too much.

My little bought shananenes today!!!!! (my mom).  
I love potassium after running... definitely keeps those muscles from holding together and cramping.  I hate hate hate muscle cramps.  And these bananas are JUST as I love them... right before ripe.  So so good.

This morning I filled up my water bottle with water.  I left it on the counter, dummy me.  I was so jealous every time I watched one of my class mates//teachers drink water.  My mouth felt parched all day long.  My goal tonight: Drink this nalgene because I am DEHYDRATED.

Today has been a beautiful day.  A beautiful mystery.
It was a beautiful sunrise this morning... and then @ noon it started to rain, and pour.  I didn't like that sight, as much as I like rain.  I headed over to Dunn Bros... still grey... and when Mrs. Felix and I headed out of Dunn Bros the sun was screaming our names... super beautiful and a great surprise! 
I am thankful for so many things.  I am most thankful for my beautiful Savior.  I can't fathom how much better my days go if I just take simply 3 minutes in the morning to read a small passage in scripture... I just love that.  

Enjoy the sun.  Enjoy the rain.  Enjoy life.  Even through the pain.  
There is beauty in everything.  There is beauty in nothing.  God orchestrates life.


Dunn Bros + A wonderful person = pure afternoon enjoyment

As many of you know I help out with the cutest first graders three times a week for my last hour of the day.  It is also with the BEST teacher EVER.  I love her!
Well today, her and I went over to Dunn Bros and just chatted.  It was fabulous, and I loved hearing all her stories... she is one of the sweetest ladies on planet earth.

I got a french press... one of my favorites.  It was rich and a great treat after school.  
It made me alert and jittery... I love that feeling!
Thank you again, Mrs. Felix!!!! You are so so sweet :).

Well, the Twins didn't win today, which was sad, but the last game versus Boston is tomorrow... MN has won once, and now Boston has won once... GO MINNESOTA!!!!! I have loved our home opener week.  

Tonight's schedule:::
-Do some laundry
-Work on some homework
-Go to bed early... I'm a little tired!

-Shower early
-Head to school
-DRAMA ALL DAY (no classes)
-Opening NIGHT for Screwtape Letters!!!!!!

I hope you all have a BEAUTIFUL rest of your week! 
Enjoy life in the little and big things.

pictures from "Screwtape Letters" to come!

♥ Rebecca C


SATs and Decaf to calm down... well, maybe hype up?

This morning I awoke pretty well.  Jumped in the shower.  And got upstairs to find my egg being made, and my oatmeal in the microwave.  Thank you, mommy:)
So I love that.  And I love that I was able to wake to that.  Then I was able to make my espresso... very well needed on a Monday morning with SATs rolling.  

I tell you... this is just PURE bliss.  I love love love coffee.
Why do they have to make it taste so good?  Everyone in my family is a coffee lover (well my mom isn't an every day drinker, but she likes it).  My family is a coffee family... what we would do without it?

I had my share of erasing today.  But I was happy that I was able to keep my brain turned on.  It was good and some few pretzels in between tests were a good energy and fiber plus.  Good brain power, too.
I wasn't able to finish my Olsat (I was four questions away).  And I SKIPPED 3 questions of my math... stupid having to have the booklet folded so I miss three stupid questions.  I was NOT happy to find that out.  But what can you do?

Two more tests tomorrow and I will be DONE.  No more stressing over filling in bubbles.  That hurts my hand far too much.  I can't wait until senior year (senior skip day was today).  How fabulous.

After school I had drama practice from 3 - 5.  Then I went to get some stuff done.  
Then I went out for a cup of decaf with a good friend.  It was a fun time, and we ended up @ El Azteca next door... to get some french fries... :)
It was delicious, and the guy there was hilarious (we were ATTEMPTING to talk to him in spanish.  Took us a little bit, but every bit counts, right??)

Well I hope you all have a BLESSED night & I want to say that I finished Velvet Elvis today after I finishing tests early... SUCH a good book, I recommend it to ANYONE.  
love, peace, & coffee,

rebecca c


"I like you both!"

Today I will say was a BEAUTIFUL day.  Church was fabulous (Teaching Sunday school, Service, and socializing with wonderful people).  The sermon was heavy but AMAZING (I'll talk about that in a bit).
Today I also babysat around 15 kids with one of my good friends.  It was SO MUCH FUN.  I loved it, and the kids are soooo adorable.

We all went to the park while the parents had their small group.
We had just gotten to the park.
"Miss. Rebe, I need to go to the bathroom."
It just made me CRACK up it was so cute.  I took her to my friends house (which was closer by one street :).

This is me with just a # of the kids (credit of Kate's photography//picture).  There were many more kids, though.  They LOVED the tire swing... and this cute girl Jenae decided she need to push me on the tire swing (I am not a fan), but she was like "I won't go hard on you!" so I gave in.  Yeah.... I didn't like it too much :).

Then there was this little 4 and 3/4 year old who was shy at the beginning (I hadn't met here, even though she goes to my church).  I asked her name.  Sophia.  She started to open up, and then something about how her birthday was in May came up.  I asked what day.  May 3rd.  No way.  The day I was planned to be born, but just a day earlier I was born.  A day apart.  This is the reason she said she was 4 and 3/4.  So so cute.  Then she said... "I like you." "I like you both."  We told her we liked her back.  She said that off and on throughout the day... so cute.  They're all just beautiful kids, and have such loving hearts.

The afternoon ended, and the evening started to roll in, and by 6:15 I was home.  
I did some vacuuming, and cleaning.  I put my sheets in the washer.  And I loved the feeling of a clean house.  I feel way less stressed and happy (yeah, call me crazy).
Later, my dad and I went to Lunds to pick up some food, and we had dinner, and then I put some clothes away.  And now I'm drinking some Chai and praying for dear life during SATs tomorrow ;).  
I actually like spring testing.  Not homework to worry about, just tests and a chill day, with reading in between! 
Just the last two classes of the day.  Which won't be bad.
Spanish and Orchestra.

The next few days I will be adding good antioxidants to my breakfast (even if I'm not hungry... which I'm usually not.  My breakfast usually consists of a VERY small bowl of oatmeal with soy milk in it + a glass of orange juice).  Tomorrow and Tuesday I will be making bigger and high fiber + protein breakfasts.  SAT testing, bring it on!

And like always... I will be taking my nalgene to school for sure.  I'll need the water to keep alert and awake.  Also my morning espresso!

As I said, this morning was a VERY hard and heavy sermon.  We started a new series (a four week series), on Twisting the Truth.  The truth gets so easily twisted in this world.  Things get changed and we by into the lies of satan and what the world has to offer us.  Nothing heavenly and hopeful.
Listening to this sermon made me tear up.  I don't usually tear up during sermons.  Actually, I never have.  Today, this reality broke in.  I teared up.
From a girl who has listened to one too many lies... from everyone who has listened to too many lies.
I believed I wasn't good enough.  I believed I wasn't worth it.  I believed I was too much.  I wanted to throw my life away.
But these were little lies.  Started out as simply little thoughts.  But these thoughts became obsessions, and addictions, and hurts, and shame... so much, from so little.  
Satan twisted my truth.  He twisted my life.  He twists all our lives.  

There is hope.  There is healing.  There is TRUTH which stands like no other.  
God is our rock.  God is our truth.  God is our way.  God is our hope. 
Our history//past may just simply seem like pages of shame and stupidity, pain, hurts... but this history of ours made us who we are TODAY.  I would NEVER be the person I am today if I wouldn't have walked through and done the things I did.  I tear up as I say this... God has done a work in my life.  An amazing work.  I just see his footsteps through everything... and I am overwhelmed.
I was blind and a fool.  I've wasted time on selfish desires.  But this history of mine is BEAUTIFUL.  There's not a thing about I would think about changing.  I may have been shamed to speak about it, but I've gotten over it.  I realize I'm not alone.  I'm not the only one.  I may sound stupid to some, but if I help just one... that's my goal.  That is good enough for me.  Even none is good enough for me.  My life was planned from birth.  God KNEW the things I would walk into, and the darkness I stepped through.
My history is beautiful.
My past is lovely.
There's not a thing.
Not one.
That I would change.

I know this is heavy, but this is life.  This is what God came for.  To SAVE us, to redeem us... To show us OUR paths and histories... they're BEAUTIFUL.
A good song that ties in with this on every level:

I pray that you see God in the little and large things this week. That you would be attentive to his
TRUTH. That you would cling to his side.
love and peace,
rebecca c


NCIS, Twins win, friends for life, decaf Chai

Hours of NCIS are on tonight on USA.  So here I'm sitting.
With a cup of Deaf Chai tea.  The t.v. on, blogging, & planning my day tomorrow.

My day tomorrow:
-Jump into the shower early
-Make coffee
-Out the door
-Teach Sunday School for the first time in three weeks (I miss those kids!!!!)
-Go to service
-Clean for a little
-Babysit a massive # of kids with a good friend
-Relax//study for SATs?
-Wash sheets
-Go to bed

Today I hung out with a friend I hadn't for a few weeks.  This is a rather close friend @ that.  I love her, and she has a beautiful heart.  I've known her since the fourth grade.  From my old church in Minnetonka.  Her name is like her personality: Sunni (sunshine)... although I can't take credit for that nickname.  We talked for literally two hours in the same spot.  Then decided to watch some of her fav show (CSI: Las vegas).

We watched an episode which linked to another episode on season six (she owns all the seasons), and we wanted to watch it.  We found the dvd was extremely scratched.  We found a video on youtube talking about how to get rid of scratches on dvd's using peanut butter, tooth paste, baking soda, and diet coke.  We did a tester which was a fail.  But we decided that it wouldn't hurt the CSI dvd any more since it didn't work what so ever, that we went for it.  It semi worked... but you know.  So don't always trust youtube :) It was fun to try some science experiment, though!
(Yes, that is me holding a dvd covered in tooth paste//peanut butter (rather disturbing).

On a better note, we made homemade pizzas! We have done this numerous times before, and we wanted to do it again.  I am a strict cheese pizza eater (although I ate much pepperoni straight from the bag).  And then I also wanted a tomato on my pizza.  It turned out to look like a peace sign.  Then I decided I need to take a picture of it, because I like peace.

I must also add that I have torn out the pj shorts! (and no that's not the shirt I'm wearing to bed).  
I love my pajama shorts from gap.  My sister gave them to me because they ended up not fitting her.  Too big.  She doesn't have the hips that I do (much luck for me ;)  But I love them, they're comfortable and they have snow flakes on them.  Hahahahahaha.  That I want to be reminded of Minnesota's brutal winters in the middle of summer.  Sikkkkke.
Anyway, all that matters is that they're comfortable and I got them for free.

Here's my night time Chai tea.  It's delicious while watching NCIS.  Good episode, too.
Although, I'm taking a break from that currently and watching the local on the 8's on the Weather Channel.  Checking out the week forecast.  Always a good thing.  Going to be in the 70s!

Have a blessed rest of your weekend.

Peace out.

Triggering things right now...

I want to say that some things are going very well for me right now.
But I have to be honest, not everything is okay.  Not everything is alright.
I want to say that all I'm asking is for prayer over my family.
Right now is a trial-some time.  It's been hard.  But I know it will get better.  Things don't stay bad forever.
Please be praying.  Please.

Life is good though.  I'm finding very good things that keep me moving.  Things that are motivating me, and it's going to be okay.  
I wasn't very happy when I found my dad at our Espresso machine trying to fix something... I kind of realized my reliance on coffee in the morning... but when my dad got it fixed and all I was a very very happy camper.
Last night I had a dance party with my sophomore class... so so so much fun! And the soreness I awoke with was definitely worth it.  All I can say is some advil helped with that.

Here's my countdown: 22 DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY.  My parents are in disbelief that I'll FINALLY be 16.  It's about time I said.  And I can't even get my license until August 10th.  Oh well, better than never! 
I'm still trying to decide what I should do for my sweet sixteen... something fun I'm thinking... :)

Well I'm out for the afternoon//evening! I hope you ALL have a blessed weekend and love the nice weather coming towards us Minnesotans!!!!!!


P.S.  GO MINNESOTA!!!!!!!! (I'm so happy they won last night, and hope they beat Chicago again tonight.... only harder!!!!!)


Oatmeal + Oj + Coffee = Unsatisfying hunger & unending smiles

I disdained when my 2nd alarm went off this morning (I kept pressing snooze until I needed to dismiss the alarm).  When I finally got out of my bed (6:30), I jumped into the shower for a quick 6 minute shower.
I blow dried my hair, straightened half of it and then headed up stairs for some breakfast.  
Without thought I grabbed the oatmeal this morning.  It was delicious with a glass of orange juice this cloudy morning.
I headed back down stairs and straightened the rest of my hair, brushed my teeth, and grabbed my drama script.
I made my morning coffee, and I was out the door.

We were driving behind one of my good friends all morning... that was a fun surprise.
School went slow, but it went fast.  It was GREAT to see everyone... some with tans, many with hair cuts, and teachers with beards.  Talk about what break does to people...

After school today, I had drama practice for two hours (3-5pm).
That went well.  It didn't seem very long at all.
Although, I had an unsatisfying hunger this afternoon.  UNSATISFYING.  It was horrific!
Oatmeal is supposed to fuel and satisfy you for the day... not make you hungry! And I had a very grain rich lunch (English muffin w//peanut butter + banana on top, Cashews + other nuts, white popcorn, chocolate milk, + one hershey kiss).  What is with my stomach today?  Growth spirt? In the 10th grade? We'll see...

And now, I have math homework to tackle (LCF + Fractions)... JOY.
And also a History test on Friday over World War II.
Tomorrow is Wednesday, and life is good.
My knee is doing much better from last night if you were wondering... It still took me a while to fall asleep after I had numbed it with ice.  I finally got to sleep though... nights like that happen.

Happy Terrific Rainy Tuesday + a cup of cider! 
love & hope always!