1 speech, 3 tests (one of which I took today), 1 quiz taken today, and a paper needed to be accomplished this week. Uff da. It's Monday evening and there's already piles of things that are needed to be done.
This has been a good day, though. And I'm not letting all these things get in my way, because "He doesn't give you more than you can handle..." Some weeks may seem long and never ending, but there is this amazing God who doesn't give us more than we can bare or do. Good encouragement for the rest of the week.

Today after school I went to track. Our task was to sprint football goal post, to football goal post. And six of them. I ended up doing three (yeah, yeah I know)... I stretched in between sprints. My knee started to lock up a little bit, so I asked one of my friends to help stretch it out a little bit... kind of made it a little difficult to walk. But it felt good, and refreshing! I was glad I was able to do at least half of them.
I packed a banana with me this morning, that I could eat while going to track. My friend told me that bananas are actually the WORST fruit you can eat because of the amount of sugar that is contained in them... well I'm screwed I eat at least two bananas on a daily basis. And you guessed it, I ate a banana with peanut butter when I got home (yeah, I guess I shoved off that comment... I love bananas).
And for dinner it was just kind of a solo-night @ the Vold residence... had some left over stir fry, and I made some whole wheat rotini pasta with organic sauce on top. Then my mom asked if I wanted a salad with that... heck yes I wanted one of her salads!

This week's sched:
:::Tuesday: School. Track. Homework. BABYSITTING. Sleep.
:::Wednesday: School. Track. Homework. Church.
:::Thursday: Speech & Test (school). Track. Homework. Sleep.
:::Friday: Paper due. Track. Chill because it's Friday!
:::Saturday: SLEEP IN. Clean. Babysit later.
:::Sunday: Little kids. Service. Homeworrrrk. My birthday :)
*All the stuff due is what is supposed to be implied in the picture above.
Have a BLESSED week!
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