Today is Sunday.
I would be inside doing homework.
But I'm not.
Most of it I got done yesterday, and the last part (biology) I got done today.
And here I sit, outside, on the chaise. It is simply beautiful. I am loving this weather!!!!
It is beautiful outside! I am in shorts and a t-shirt. When it's -20 below for a month//more straight, 50 degrees doesn't feel too bad. Especially when you live in Minnesota. On my way home from church, everyone was putting all their windows down, and it was so great to see the sun this morning! Even when it looked so unhopeful when I woke up with fog + hazy clouds. It was not a way I wanted this Sunday saying we had it all week long. I am very happy for sunshine this week!
What I have done today:
-Said good bye to my dad who left for Hawaii for work this morning
-Taught SS to first graders (lesson on the prodigal son)
-Went to service
-Came home for a bit
-Went over to a friends house; ate lunch; did bio; went for a walk//worked on the lines for drama
-Came home
-Cleaned a little
-Came outside, and now blogging
What I'm yet to accomplish:
-Clean some more
-Enjoy the moment

My feet + the wetland (and my bible folder).
I may work on my presentation for bible on wisdom. I have a few weeks though... but I feel thoroughly productive right now, and it's such great weather to work on it!
As I watch from my house, all the little kids biking to the park, and play basketball... I am sitting here in awe of the beautiful weather God has given Minnesota today. Have iTunes up with some Colbie Caillat playing. Watching my neighbor take down his ice rink. Drinking my vanilla coke (yes, I gave into soda). Airplanes above me. Sunshine at sight. Watching the birds fly around... because they're home for the spring and summer. Loving where I am. And not wanting it to leave.
A blessed and BEAUTIFUL week to you all!!!!
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