
Smooth Saturday

Today was smooth + steady.
I didn't wake up until 12:15, because everyone decided it would be best to keep me asleep (I thought otherwise, but a little extra sleep is always nice).  Pretty much, I haven't been awake for even twelve hours yet... Although, the clocks go forward an hour tonight, so to bed I go soon.
Within an hour of getting up I was out the door.
A couple of buddies and I headed to the Eden Prairie mall and shopped.

-New shirt at Charlotte Russe: $6.99 (regularly $15).
Then I zipped home by 5:25 and left at 5:35 for babysitting some of my favs.
Toddler Noah & baby Sophia.

I told Noah to smile for me... "cheeeeeese!!!!!"
He has a sweet heart, and he'll stop whatever he's doing just to tell you he loves you.  Or kiss you on the cheek.  
After we all hung outside in the gorgeous weather for a while, we went back inside.
Noah wanted to watch Finding Nemo, so I popped it in, and we ate some goldfish before he had to go to bed.  Sophia woke from her dozing off during the movie when Noah went down.  I fed Sophia, and she was thoroughly intrigued with the last part of Finding Nemo.  Every so often she would also smile... her smile is priceless.
I put her in her rocking "bed" (I can't think of the name right now), but she dozed off after playing with her little rattle toys.

On another note,
I have been learning how to give God the control.  I want something my way.  I don't want it to be any other direction... because I'm worried about the outcome.  I need to relax and let God take hold:
-Rely in the branches which prune the good in us (John 15)
-Live in the light of the world (John 8:12)
-Run the race which is ahead of us//Get rid of the sin that easily hinders us (Hebrews 12:1)

love & jOy to you all this coming up week

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