so i love this aspect about where my house is is a half mile from a starbucks. my inspiration, my love, my mmm...
so yes, i am at starbucks right now. i am just finishing up my AP analysis paper right now..and i am moving onto studying for other finals. i have a huge pile of is a rainy rainy day..and i love rain..and i am studying and i am drinking a venti soy-vanilla latte. so so good. sometimes i think there is nothing better.
yesterday was a crazy day..ashley and i headed over to the OC house after school, and we watched the three crazy boys. and also had some catch up time over a cup of coffee : ). and we did finger paint with the little boys! so much fun. i loved it.
then after the OCs, i went over to the westphal house and watched sam and andrew (yes, two babysitting jobs in one day..and back to back). we had a lot of fun. i brought over the finger paint to their house, and we did some of that...chased each other around the house...and after that they were pooped man. so they wanted to watch a movie..and we watched Gulliver's Travels! such a good movie. then they went to bed...and i fell asleep on the couch. the parents came back around 1215 and they had to wake me up..ha ha ha. too funny. then i drove ready for bed...and i was out. cold. turkey.
i had set my alarm for 840...and somehow slept through the super loud alarm and woke up @ 1030. i took a shower, got ready, and came here. and after i am done with all of these things i am going to a grad party..then to sunni's dance recital!
ta ta for now!
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