One of my all time favorite bands lately came out with a single on iTunes (their first EVER)!!!! I am absolutely in love with the song. Amazing.
There's a line, though, that goes a little something like this: "I wanna jump right in, right where we left off, I am not afraid, in fact I've never felt so safe...."
i am easily afraid of what will happen. i am afraid of what others will think of my past. i am afraid that i'll mess up the present. i have all of these fears of things that God has so beautifully created.... i am afraid of things that contain evil, and yet still may be in the beautiful path of my life. i am afraid.
i've been holding back to which is maybe a risk.... but maybe a risk worth taking.
am i truly living?
what is a life if you're not willing to risk. what is a life where you're worried all the time. what is a life without trusting, trusting God.
i'm sick of the life i was living.... in the middle. i'm going to jump back in. i'm going to trust and put my life back into the hands of my God... and feel safe again.
What is true faith without risk? Live on the edge of risk, becasue that is a display of your faith.