

Ever feel ugly?
Inside or out.  Or both.
The days my hair isn't quite straight, I can't cover up those red bumbs, or my bags just hang out... I find myself being ugly.  Inside and out.
Sour and upset.  Everything get's in my way.
Now, those days where my hair looks just great, my face contains no blemishes, and I'm ready to move... It is easy to have beauty inside and out.
My attitude reflects how people seem me, and usually, determine if they want to be around me that day or not.
Some days, I'm ugly.
Waking up late and rushing out the door, bad test grade throws me off, I left my water at home and every teacher seems to have their water bottles that day, I have a head ache.... and the list goes on.  Are those the reasons I am ugly that day?
No of course not, it's the way I react to those situations that I ugly.
My heart isn't right; my whole perspective is blown out of proportion- I think it's the end of the world and all that I can seem to do is react horribly.
When bad things happen, I want to show beauty.  I want to demonstrate patience with others but also myself.  I want to be calm.  I want beauty.
So as this probably doesn't make sense (like a lot my stuff doesn't with stuff scattered here and there), I am challenging myself to put more beauty in, so I can have more beauty out.

That's all.


  1. Rebe, that was beautiful. What a great insight... It's so much easier to act in a beautiful manner when we feel gorgeous. I guess it's just the fact that we have to develop the confidence and knowledge that we are beautiful by acting beautiful.

  2. Makes complete sense. Love it, Rebe! Acting beautiful doesn't have to depend on physical beauty... it's so true. thanks for that reminder.
