

Listening to: We Come to You- Derek Webb
Wanting: Food.  I'm having what I believe is a growth spirt (thank goodness, I'm so short).
Drinking: decaf Chai tea.  so so good for my sinus'.
Hot packing: My back.  Ouch.
Staring at: Carlitos.
Loving: That today was a great monday.
Looking forward to: Tomorrow morning with Ashley e!
Sorry for: The 7 people my phone called during school today.
Dreading: Friday's chemistry test.  & Wednesday's math test.......
Reading: Dating Mr. Darcy :)
Nervous about: Doing the clock for the boys' game tomorrow.
Wanting to go away: ALLERGIES
Missing: My sister & dad

Loves and Peaces


  1. oh honey you are so funny! "staring at" carlitos" I can just see you spacing out at him!! lol.
    I am so looking forward to tomorrow morning too!!!! It'll be bomb diggity.
    hahahahahaha, I think it's hilarious that you called 7 people! I got one of those voicemails where I hear what's going on in your pocket or purse for like 5 minutes... it's fab!
    do you like Dating Mr. Darcy????

  2. oh yes, i completely spaced out. it was to up. to up.
    girrrl it will! i love breakfast it just kick starts the day on suchhh a good note :).
    hahhahaah cracked me up. i got so many texts complaining today. hahhahaha i just love how i called you that one day. so highlarious!
    and YES love love love it! THank you for letting me borrow it! :)
