
El dia finale de agosto.

Today is officially THE last day of August.  Hate love, right?
To be honest, I'm excited for school.  I am excited for fall.  I am excited for Saturday morning soccer games.  I am excited for Pumpkin spice lattes.  I'm excited for turning leaves.  I'm excited to get my license.  I am excited to go apple//pumpkin picking! so much to look forward to!

On the other hand... I am sad that there is no more tubing.  No more free time at your finger tips.  No more camps for weeks upon weeks.  It's a hate love thing this school thing is....
I am a junior.  Weirdest thing of my life.  This time next year I will be a senior, have taken my senior pics, be playing soccer, applying for colleges, HOLY BUCKETS.  I am a stressed puppy.  But for the time being, I'm setting my hope and life in the Lord, and for my whole life... because I cannot in any way hold this life together by myself (not even with doses of coffee, my friends, close but no cigar).

This week's schedule::::
Tomorrow-- Soccer practice (I'm doing some of the training, HECK YES)!
--follow up meeting for the Chinese language camp.
--Soccer prac 10-12
--getting my Cavities filled??
--Read//get ready for school
--Do something for myself... a manicure is calling my name
--literally read all the time I can get
--go to MY church for the first time in forever
--relax//State fair??

<3 you!  Sorry I haven't updated in a century.

1 comment:

  1. I love the line "I am one stressed puppy." that made me laugh out loud. No joke :) don't worry cutie! It'll all be okay! <3 you
