

There are life changing pains going on in the souls of people.  Do we ignore the inevitable?  Are we in denial of our own pain?  Are we shoving our tears down and away?

What I've seen myself do this year, and continuing to do is this very thing.  I am listening and letting others talk, (which is not bad), but I get so consumed in that, that I let mine not matter.  I let my fine or okay be great to others.  Someone told me today she can see through me like a glass door.  Alas, she knows me very well.  Am I in denial?

The ugly truth, yes.  Many of us are in denial.  We think it's a good thing to hide our pains and mistakes away, not let those see what resides in us; what happened yesterday that is making our day suck so bad.  We make up something, and somehow make ourselves believe that is what truly happened.  And we're okay with it.  This shouldn't be the truth.  We shouldn't lie to others... do we have to talk to them about every aspect? No, but they deserve a honest answer.  When we ask/people ask us how we are, they are taking moments to see how we really are.  Although, many of us have subjected to hearing/saying "good", and if we were to say something else, some would be taken back.

Can we be honest?  Can we pray and listen to those who are hurting?  Can we be vulnerable with those we trust?  Can we dig out what we don't want to talk about?  Can we feel?  Do we experience any emotion?  We have the power to remove denial.

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