As you may know, I love kids. They are the joy of my heart, and 5 days of my week are filled with something to do with kids. Usually ending up to be 6 days. A couple of years ago, one of my favorite boys was brought into the world... not too long ago was his little sister born. Multiple times a day he says that he needs to kiss her on the forehead. It brings me joy. When there is music playing, he always asks me to dance with him. Whenever his dogs or cats are around, he always wants to pet them. He wants you told hold his hand when he goes down the slide. He wants to go on the elevator, and push the button. He always says to me/whoever he may be with... "(their name) hold you" --intending for you to hold him. He delights in love. He delights. Seeing him say my name brings a huge smile to my face.
When did we stop delighting in the little things?
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom belongs to people such as these."
Now am I saying we have to do a success dance every time we push the button in the elevator? No. But when was the last time you sang worship with all your heart... with people around? This boy started dancing and singing and didn't care what the others thought of him, he wanted to have a good time. Are we holding ourselves back because we're afraid and ashamed?
We've taken fitting in too far. Making yourself look pretty in the morning is a good thing, but when you take it too far and infatuate yourself, mask your personality out of it, who have you become? What have you done with your life? We have the power to change this generation. If we allow God to help us.
Just like the little children, can't we take joy in the smallest act of something? Can we make our worship alive which is so dead? Can we enrich our lives in other people than ourselves? Can we save those who are ready to give up? Can we delight in love? yes, we have the power to do it, and let's make it happen.
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