I am definitely blessed beyond measure. I have been given the best group of girls to be around, a great and hilarious class to hang out with, a family that loves me with all their hearts, a dad who provides for this family, a mom who is extremely frugal, a place to sleep every night... and I could go on about these wonderful blessings that I have. One of these blessings is to go to Camp (vacay). I will be at silver beach for the next week (I leave in the Morning, come back Sunday). I have the blessing to be with a family I love. I have the blessing to be away from computers, a cell phone, electronics. I have the blessing to be outdoors, go on the boat, get my tan on, play tetherball, play ultimate frisbee, talk about Gordon the spider, read my Bible and write notes to God outside, go to chapels... et ectera. Pictures will come on this blog... I'm so excited to leave and have a week away!
I just want to say... thank you for being in my life and blessing me BEYOND MEASURE. Everyone in my life has given me more than I could ever ask for.
Sometimes I feel like I'm shifting back and forth.... and I feel alone at times. I end up asking myself how I could ever get mad because of that. I have people around me 24/7 that tell me they are praying for me, they're going out to girls' nights with me, just chatting it up with me.... anything. I am so blessed, and I can't express my thankful heart.
Until next week! Love you all!
-Proverbs 3:5-6
I <3 Saturdays.
Today a huge number of my friends left...
Today I am going boating.
Today it is a tad chilly.
Today is going to be a wonderful day.
Today is the moment I will live in.
Today... What will happen today?
"Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry." James 1:19
Setting goals.
It is definitely summer... that means there's some new goals I want to accomplish before the school year.
Here are some of them.
1. Go on a run at least 3 times a week
2. Eat healthy (fresh fruits, veggies, and whole foods).
3. Play tennis
4. Fully completely recover (yes, that means my weak quad).
5. Tube and boat (which I'm doing with my FABULOUS neighbors tomorrow!!)
6. Write my thoughts out. Every day.
7. Read the Bible. Daily.
8. Get outside.
9. Get my tan on.
10. Read a # of series of books (I'll make a post of all the books I am planning on reading this summer).
11. Love. Like none other.
Monday I leave for Silver beach//Covenant Pines. I am anticipating a WONDERFUL time like last year! (I already started packing today... ha). Love you all!
Also... I am learning that prayer is a powerful and wonderful thing. God wants and desires to talk to us. You find the strong people in the Bible prayed. They prayed their way through the day... I want that shield. The guard against sin and temptation.... the eyes for those who are lost... the heart for God's little children....
Quote for the week: "Strength is having the courage to admit that you're weak." Unknown
Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. -Isaiah 40:30-31
I'd like to make myself believe that this day will last for a lifetime.
I woke up to my sister making coffee.
I woke up to the sun BEAMING through the windows.
I opened my window, drank my coffee, sat on my bed, and just hung out.
Pure. Bliss.
Today I am: Nannying.
Later I am: Going to a bon fire.
Friday I am: Seeing a friend who is coming up to the cities, then seeing another friend who leaves Saturday.
Saturday I am: Hanging out with my family.
Sunday I am: Working in Children's Ministry, going to service, PACKING.
Monday - Sunday I am: GoInG to COvEnAnT pINeS///SilVeR bEAch!!!!!!
<3 and peace.
I woke up to my sister making coffee.
I woke up to the sun BEAMING through the windows.
I opened my window, drank my coffee, sat on my bed, and just hung out.
Pure. Bliss.
Today I am: Nannying.
Later I am: Going to a bon fire.
Friday I am: Seeing a friend who is coming up to the cities, then seeing another friend who leaves Saturday.
Saturday I am: Hanging out with my family.
Sunday I am: Working in Children's Ministry, going to service, PACKING.
Monday - Sunday I am: GoInG to COvEnAnT pINeS///SilVeR bEAch!!!!!!
<3 and peace.
updates & crazy hazy days of summer.....
So on Friday I was determined that I needed to get my bangs and split ends cut (Since I haven't gotten a hair cut since January).
So... my hair has kinda grown since January. Especially my bangs, because I got straight across bands the last time I got my hair cut. Whooooofta.
I love hair cuts. A lot.

The end result! I love forehead bangs. I also got some face framing. And just a trim.
I'm still trying to grow into the new bangs.

This picture expresses how craziness of summer, and how busy I've stayed.
Although, I am liking that... I just need to keep up on my sleep.
Another thing I love about summer is: NANNYING.
One of my favorite things I do.
Well this week has been fun.
Yesterday I saw a friend who has been on a Mission Trip, and heard all of her wonderful stories.
Then we went bowling with a good friend, and later we rented a movie (after a great adventure of a parking spot).
Today I saw Kirk Aadalen (the guy who did my surgery), and GREAT NEWS. I still need to work on my weak quad and messed up pelvis, but God's power has really helped to heal me!
Then I helped someone fix her iPod (which she broke again later). Then I nannyed two adopted kiddos.
Tomorrow I'm seeing three boys and a mom of whom i LOVE with a great friend of mine (Super excited!!!)
Then I have worship team for youth group.
Thursday is nannying for those adopted kids.
Friday a friend is coming up from her dinkey town, and seeing another friend and I for lunch.
Then I'm meeting another friend before she leaves Saturday!
Busy week, but I love busy days. They make me feel productive.
... and hopefully I'll get some cleaning mixed in there, too.
I <3 you!
Be the love and care that others need!
Meandering thoughts...
My mind has been wandering on this topic for a while, so as I eat my peach, here goes nothing.....
I have heard the line (and said to myself and others so many times) "I'm so alone... why doesn't ANYONE go through//understand the experience I am going through?"
Life isn't a great thing to know that you're the only one within your friend group that has done or said _________.
I've done some stupid things in my life.
I've felt like the only one who has done those stupid things.
And it's such a skewed statistic.
A book that I've read: "Captivating" talks about the woman, and unveiling her heart.
A great # of women have a very tough time with self esteem, and self image.
And they feel alone.
Two of five women struggle with self image on a more severe level.
All women have insecurities.
Everyone has insecurities.
It's shocking. Things like anorexia, bulimia, et cetera are going on every day.... and these women feel like they're the only one's struggling in this area.
A woman's heart is fragile. You can send a lady crying in her pillow for weeks, or extremely pissed off at you... (or a mix of both). A woman's heart holds onto every word. It's hard to brush things off.
Here's the cross roads.
99.99% of the time with no map.
A woman would rather die, than feel alone.
Even when the stats, and others say she's not.
No one has really taken her aside to let her know someone truly cares.
A woman would rather die.
She'll do anything to get there, too.
It's her mission.
Who's going to care.
Who's going to listen when she's frustrated, and quit.
Who's going to.
These statistics are skewed, and not right...
Our generation's mission is to change that.
Our generation's mission is to love others.
Our generation's mission is to not be like the others.
We have the potential, and tools,
What will we do with them?.........
I love minnesota.
Today in Minnesota it has been rainy... kinda how it's been all this past week - and how it will be this week. Life goes on.
But I kind of enjoyed the rain today.... My sister and I got some caribou, we stopped @ the Library, went to Arbor Lakes... I sat in Borders for a while and just read. That was wonderful. My sister and I had a great afternoon. And USA tied to England. Good good day.
Also, today is my grandma's birthday (my dad's mom), and tomorrow my dad and I are heading out to breakfast with her (EARLY). Then I'll be back to help @ Sunday school for the Summer kick off!!!! I'm going to be TIRED. Then to service... I haven't been to my church in literally a month... or more.
Arbor Lakes... on a rainy day. I love this shopping mall.
I've been getting pretty used to driving. It's a fun thing. Although, I have to say... many people today were not paying attention. What. The. Crunch.
Anyway, Today's findings....
*Trader Joe's coffee (trying the French Roast... can anyone say jitters?!)
*Hand soap super cheap @ Bath & Body works
*Throw to make a tie blanket
*Chipotle to top it all off for dinner
-Current song obsession(s): "Minnesota" by: Austin Kyle, and "Big Yellow Taxi" by: Counting Crows
-Current favorite food: Peaches from Lunds
-Current book reading: Twilight
-Current place with God: Healing
-Current favorite stores: Teavana, and Goodthings
And in re-guards to the title of this post... I love Minnesota.
It's home. It's beautiful. It's exciting. It's different. It's modern. It's the middle of no where.
All in one. I love home...
"But let us encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today..." -Hebrews 3:13
-What are you going to remember of today?
-What are others going to remember of you today?
-Did you make a meaningful move?
-Did you stumble and fall?
-Did you get back up and keep running the race?
That's all for this rainy Saturday!
Be praying for safe driving for the Heritage Mission Team!
I'm done holding these regrets.
"There are things you've struggled with all your life--self-doubt, anger, depression, shame, addiction, fear. You probably thought that those were your fault, too. But they are not. They came from the Enemy who wanted to take your heart captive, make you a prisoner of darknesss. To be sure, we complied. We allowed those strongholds to form when we mishandled our wounds and made those vows. but Jesus has forgiven us for all of that, and now he wants to set us free." -Captivating: Stasi Eldredge
"Yet I'm still afraid to tell you all I've done. Are you done forgiving?
....My love is over, it's underneath, it's inside it's in between....
...The times that you feel like you've fallen from grace." - Times: Tenth Avenue North
"Yet I'm still afraid to tell you all I've done. Are you done forgiving?
....My love is over, it's underneath, it's inside it's in between....
...The times that you feel like you've fallen from grace." - Times: Tenth Avenue North
I've talked much about the book "Captivating" -more specifically that quote.
That quote is my favorite. The enemy sees us, and wants to take and DESTROY us.
And so many times I'll end up saying//thinking... "I'm so stupid I did _______." "I feel so guilty about ______." "Why did I say '_______'?"
I hold all these regrets and imperfections inside, and they stir around in my mind.... satan likes it when I brew on things like this.....
The thing is, God isn't done forgiving. God's NEVER done forgiving. God's there when we've fallen and failed. God's love is everywhere. - The song "Times" by Tenth avenue north I blogged about a few days ago.... check it out. But anyway, it's a great song. It talks about all these times that we feel alone, or feel like nothing is going right. Times when things are going great. God doesn't disappear then... God's always there.
And the funny thing is.... we always worry about telling God the things that we have failed at.
God sees what we've done. God knows what we've done. God doesn't hold that against us when we repent. God turns his back to it. It is in his memory no more.
I surrendered my wounds. I surrendered the times satan has taken my heart, and torn it apart. I placed those pieces back to God. He fixed my heart. And now He holds it, as the greatest treasure.
... Still time to time, I have to do this. I need to hand back the control, hand back my broken heart... the amazing thing - God takes it back every time.
Who holds you heart today?
I think i'm going to fall asleep to some tenth avenue north now.... peace.
I think i'm going to fall asleep to some tenth avenue north now.... peace.
Dramatic moisture. Dramatic change.
So on this blog I pretty much talk about everything or anything... so today, I'm going to talk to you about my hair care.
Currently I am using Hydralicious by Herbal Essence. This is the newer kind of Herbal essence: the twist.
Dramatic moisture and has been treating my hair with extreme care. I love it, and it smells amazing!
You can buy both in a package for $4.29 at CVS.
Now some of you may be looking @ this picture and like... Olive oil?! - yes, it's true... this is an all natural anti-frizzer. I'll be honest, it is the best I have ever used. It smells good - works amazing, and keeps the shine in your hair. You can find it at Walgreens for $11.98 a bottle - which seems like a TON, and that's why I wait until it goes on sale and stock up on it -BioInfusion also has many other products.
Ever since using these products (about two weeks using both), I have seen a big difference in my hair. I am loving it, too!... just now I need to get a hair cut and get rid of those split ends, and uneven hair.
I hope you all are having an amazing week!
My school (and many classmates), have been on a mission trip in the Appalachian mountains, Tennessee for the past week. They have been sharing God's love, working their butts off, and caring for God's people. I am so excited to hear the stories (along with the few other classmates I have that didn't go), about their adventures. Please be praying for safe travels home! They're also stopping @ A museum and a soup kitchen on their way home, which is a cool way to end their trip. They arrive home on Monday.
Love you all!
I have been grabbing yogurt & putting granola into it for breakfast lately... my FAVORITE.
Try it sometime... so so so good, and so so so healthy!
I went to Renovation Church yesterday with the Foty's. It was a lot of fun.
Sunni and I just chilling after service.
My sister + I = weird.
Love her for it.
This morning was a quick shower, little talking with my mama that I loved, then some quick organic coffee (picture below), and then to the Orthodontist I went! It was my last retainer check... they also removed my permanent lower retainer so I could correct two of my teeth with a removable lower retainer (which I also have on top). Then my mom && I went to Brugger's for lunch because it was super close. We shared a whole wheat bagel which had some veggies + turkey on top. Yum. And I got a Mocha Creme Coffee. Then I was off to the Foty house to tutor Sunni! We read "Dr. Faust" (old story), and answered some questions, took a quiz, et cetera... Then we hung out & drew a little... now I'm off to meet two new kids that were just adopted so I can babysit them tomorrow! Busy day.....
Yummy Rainbow Organic coffee (one of our favorites). My personal favorite is Trader Joe's Organic Coffee, but Rainbow is pretty good, too. Mmmm... coffee.
Love and joy!
Tomorrow's a busy day. I probably won't get to blogging... so here's my sched:
-Physical therapy (10:30 - 11:30) PRAY IT'S THE LAST ONE!!!!
-Straight to the Dale's to nanny.
-Straight to the Emison's to babysit the new adopted ones until 9pm.
Long day, and I will be tired.
Wednesday I have a Chinese mission meeting & Then straight to the Dale's again for nannying
Uff da.
I'm helping with soccer camp on Thursday & Friday for the little kids... I'm not cleared for the MS//HS soccer camp yet :(
Love you aLL!
This morning I went to Renovation church with a family I'm close to.
It was a blast... to see people I love and hear a super good sermon done by: David Sorn.
On the ride back the mom in the family said we should listen to her pandora in the car... I love love love pandora. Anyway, we were driving along, talking about random stuff, and came across was a song that was familiar to me. No one else knew it, but I recognized it and asked if it was "Times" By: Tenth Avenue North. Turns out, it was.
I love some of the lyrics in the song....
"its underneath, its inside, its in between
the times you doubt me, when you can't feel
the times that you've questioned 'is this for real?'
the times you've broken, the times that you mend
the times you hate me and the times that you bend
well my love is over, its underneath
its inside, its in between,
these times you're healing
and when your heart breaks
the times that you feel like you've fallen from grace
the times you're hurting
the times that you heal
the times you go hungry and are tempted to steal
in times of confusion and chaos and pain
im there in your sorrow under the weight of your shame
im there through your heartache
im there in the storm
my love i will keep you by my power alone
i dont care where you've fallen, where you have been
i'll never forsake you
my love never ends, it never ends"
the times you doubt me, when you can't feel
the times that you've questioned 'is this for real?'
the times you've broken, the times that you mend
the times you hate me and the times that you bend
well my love is over, its underneath
its inside, its in between,
these times you're healing
and when your heart breaks
the times that you feel like you've fallen from grace
the times you're hurting
the times that you heal
the times you go hungry and are tempted to steal
in times of confusion and chaos and pain
im there in your sorrow under the weight of your shame
im there through your heartache
im there in the storm
my love i will keep you by my power alone
i dont care where you've fallen, where you have been
i'll never forsake you
my love never ends, it never ends"
This song comforts me.
This song lets me know... In any type of point I'm at, there's something the Lord is doing in taking my broken pieces and putting them so gently back together.
This day has been a blessing to me.
I woke up late, I felt rushed... I got to this church, had some coffee & a donut... the worship started, and my eyes filled with tears. This week has been a long one for me, but this comfort and handing my life over to God has been His sign of LOVE to me.
I'm broken in my life... Build my strength, let me trust in you, when I'm tempted, let me feel your grace. Bless the kids that I work with, and that I love. Let them see that YOU love them more than anyone.
I love you, bless this day.
Your unfaithful child,
Full days = a good summer.
Today was crazy.
A friend & I watched 8 kids (oh my lanta, it was so much fun).
That was such a fun start to the day. We went to the park... went on the slippin' slide, ate lunch, did some chalk, et cetera... it was such a fun day, you have no idea.
After watching the kiddos, my friend and I went to the bank, Target, Dicks, and our friends house (so she could tutor her//we could hang out later).
I finished revising and writing out my testimony for tomorrow's Chinese mission meeting.
I hadn't been at home since 8:45 am this morning, and I got home around 9:45 pm.
I am happy I'm keeping busy this summer.
My mom told me the last thing she wanted me to do was sit around at home and look out a window all day.
She said it didn't matter what I did... Didn't matter where I was... just so I was doing something outside of the house//the normal routine this summer. Wether that be nannying, going for a run, working on this Chinese mission, going on a trip, taking a shopping day with my sister... you get the picture, a full day for the summer = a pretty stellar summer. that's what I'm aiming for. I mean obviously you're going to have those days you need to rest or sleep//nap, but sitting around all summer SUCKS.
Next week I am helping with the little kid's soccer camp (well, three of the five days), because I won't be cleared for doing my soccer camp... which sucks, but that's life... so anyway, I will be helping with the little kids & nannying the two other days.... it's gonna be sickly awesome.
Tomorrow's scheddddd:
-Chinese mission meeting
-Read because it's Friday
-Do what I want because it's Friday
-Pray for the Tennessee Team that leaves SATURDAY.
Love you Mission Team leaving Saturday!!!! I hope you have a BEAUTIFUL time, my thoughts and prayers are going with you!!!!!!
Peace out kids,
What kind of friend?
What kind of friend takes you to a meeting (as in driving), PAYS for your coffee, and brings you the most joy in the world?
Then as your driving home, asks if you want to just... I don't know hang out?! Brings you home so you can shower, then takes you out to eat, then walks to Micheals with you... figures out you have a disastrous room, and VOLUNTEERS to help you CLEAN up the room you can't even walk in?
Then, this same person (who has trucked along with you all day), helps you for 2 hours cleaning your room and all your messes around the house (which is now spotless), goes and tutors someone?
I went with her to work on my testimony... I tell you, this girl is just the most joyful person I have ever met. I love her. We were heading back to my house for her to drop me off and we got stuck in traffic.... and we decided that there wasn't much time, so I went to her soccer game, and I loved it! It was fun to watch so many people I know play on a team together with lots of unity.
Well, now this friend is helping me babysit 8 kiddos tomorrow (I tell you, she is just a good sport),
and tomorrow is going to be a fun day, I can feel it. I love all these kids, and their parents have BEAUTIFUL hearts that just exude joy and love in the Lord! And I love that!
Pictures of tomorrow to come!
I love YOU ALL.
I am thankful for EVERYONE who has been in my life.... truly a blessing.
Writing the testimony @ the Foty house!
This is a picture from last night after I ran around with my crazy cousins. I look hot & sweaty. Gross.
(It was all worth it in the end, though!)
Right now I am currently sitting, writing my testimony, and listening to algebra being tossed around. As my friend touters my other friend.
Writing my testimony is hard.
Writing this is tedious.
Writing this makes me hurt, and angry.
Writing this makes me realize... God is around. All the time.
I am grateful for his LOVE & MERCY.
Anyway, off to working!
Love you ALL.
The Battle. Of cousins.
Today, I babysat two sweeeet and adorable girls for three hours.
I loved every minute of it.
We went to the park, and realized that the dark clouds were coming, so we headed back.
They wanted to color for a little bit, so they did, and soon enough it was time for them to head out to swimming lessons! The day went by so fast!
After I got home, I went and helped someone on their huge project (a total of 350 points) for tomorrow.
I then headed off to a family reunion/Mothers's and Father's day get together.... It was a lot of fun.
We ended up @ My aunt's house.
I played with the cousins... and they're little.
Except, one who is 7th grade. My sister and two twin cousins didn't play with us, because they're that cool.
Anyway, we had this battle.
My 7th grade cousin had a team, and I had a team.
And I think my team owned.
This was a super intense game of hide and go seek.
After we owned them, we played Ghost in the Graveyard (in broad day light),
and then finally ate some dinner & treats.
Then we played Ghost in the Graveyard in actual darkness.
We realized that lightning was coming, so we watched that until we could hear the thunder and it was already time to go.
Watching the lightning.
Taking a bubble bath (make up from yesterday)
Going to bed.
Chinese mission meeting
Clean, clean, clean
Probably support a friend @ A baseball game
(not) a foggy day, In P-Town!
If you really know the artist, you would know I'm currently jamming out to Michael Buble (and I LOVE him). And i'm also listening to Regina Spektor.
Two of some of my favorite artists, ever.
I like variety... random mix of artists. It's how I roll.
The reason my hair looks wretched is because I just got out of the shower and I'm now drinking my coffee. I am going to fix my hair, put a splash of masacara on, fill my water bottle, and go babysit two sweeeeeet and adorable girls!
12 - 3.
Then @ 5:30 it's off to the auntie's house! Kind of a jam packed day!
Tomorrow's outlook:
-Chinese mission meeting
-Mabye some cleaning? Maybe not.
-Youth group? Worship team?
That's all folks,
oh p.s. it's a beautiful day, not a foggy day (if you didn't quite get that)
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